
Thursday, 4 September 2014

The Story About Mr. Carmack’s ‘Michale Giovanni’ Tune

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If you can believe it,  there was some guy named Michale Giovanni in Hawaii (the same place where Mr. Carmack lives) who was selling Mr. Carmack’s music as his own on Bandcamp & iTunes. As this news broke out, it was plain to see & hear on his Bandcamp Page, but now after taking a look again, it seems the imposter has taken the music down.

It just goes to show you that people will do anything to make a cheap buck these days. We would suggest not taking someones music and selling it for yourself, especially when it’s a well known producer like Mr. Carmack. So as in some sort of response to this fuckery,  Mr. Carmack has let loose the track, ‘Michale Giovanni’. We don’t know if it was on old track or something that Carmack whipped up. It makes you ask the question… do we thank this imposter for the inspiration? Probably not, but at least Mr. Carmack turned this into a positive and gave us some new material to sit on.


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